accessibility standards for websites

Make Your Website Extraordinarily Better

How prioritizing accessibility standards for websites leads to better digital experiences —and better business.

monochromatic illustration describing accessibility standards hands shake through doorway.

About Extraordinarily Better

How many opportunities do we have to dramatically improve people’s lives?

A textbook will tell you that accessibility refers to how a person uses a digital product, such as a website, an app, or a system, and how that digital product serves them. There are federal regulations that define accessibility requirements for web- and computer-based services. 

That is accurate. But it’s not the whole story. 

Accessibility isn’t just a checkbox exercise. It’s a mindset. 

Think of this this way: There are nearly eight billion people on this planet, each with different needs and a different life story. Almost 60% of the population has internet access, which means your website has 4.7 billion potential visitors. 

Accessibility means creating a digital experience that welcomes and accommodates as many of those people as possible. An accessible website is a pleasure for everyone to use, with no barriers to entry for people who need some extra support. 

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